The importance of racking Safety and Compliance – Yearly Inspections
  November 30, 2018      Company News, Warehousing
Pallet racking in Australia is covered under the Australian Standard AS 4084:2012 Steel Storage Racking. This standard deals not only with design but also covers racking installation and operation. When buying pallet racking, it is essential that you make sure the rack system is not only designed to the standard, but is installed to the standard and is operated in accordance with the standard.
To comply with Australian work safety laws, all industrial storage systems are also required to be inspected by a qualified professional every 12 months, and have certified safety signage to indicate the maximum unit load rating for each shelf level.
View the WorkSafe guidance note here:
A1 Precision Solutions offers regular rack safety inspections and will make recommendations for any damage repairs or replacements, helping you ensure compliance and safety for your employees.
Call A1 Precision Solutions today on (03) 9238 4560
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