What You Need To Know About AS4084:23
  March 18, 2024      Warehousing
Now that we’re in 2024, AS4084:23 has been active for almost a year now, but we still frequently see warehouse operators and pallet racking who don’t know about the new standard. Although there are exceptions to when pallet racking needs to conform to AS4084:23, it’s important to know these exceptions as well as understand the new standard in relation to AS4084:12.
So let’s take a look at AS4084:23, understand how it’s different from AS4084:12, and make sure your business is compliant for 2024.
What Is AS40484:23?
AS:4084:23 is the Australian Standard for steel storage racking. Like all standards, AS4084:23 is all about safety. The Standard describes how steel storage racking (i.e. pallet racking) should be designed, built, operated and maintained in a safe way in order to avoid workplace injuries.
The Standard goes through requirements for pallet racking design, fabrication, tolerances, testing, operation, and maintenance. It also talks about modifications to pallet racking and states that any modifications need to be approved by the supplier or manufacturer.
Almost as importantly, the Standard also lays out pallet racking inspection standards: what they are, how frequently they need to happen, and what’s involved.
What’s The Difference Between AS4084:23 and AS4084:12 And Why The Update?
The most obvious difference between the two Standards is that AS4084:23 is now in two sections:
- AS4084:23.1 – Steel Storage Racking Part 1: Design
- AS4084:23.2 – Steel Storage Racking Part 2: Operation and Maintenance
By separating the Standard into two parts, it makes it obvious what’s important, namely the design, operation, and maintenance of steel storage racking.
Other than this separation, the Standard has been updated in quite a few ways. This update needed to happen because it’s been more than ten years since AS4084:12 and the technology behind pallet racking changes over time. North America and European regulators had already updated its standards, so AS4084:23 just brings Australia into line with them.
Some big changes to the Standard is that it goes into a lot more depth in relation to design and operation, with increased focus on repair. It also lists specific methods for the testing and analysis of pallet racking. Finally, AS4084:12 didn’t have any design requirements for areas with seismic activity, so the new Standard updated this.
While AS4084:23 has quite a few updates when compared to AS4084:12, the good news is that warehouse operators aren’t expected to know every single one of them. While warehouses need to be operated in line with safety regulations for general operational health and safety as well as pallet racking, it can be difficult to navigate Australian Standards in general. And that’s where experts come in. At A1 Precision Solutions, we know and understand AS4084:23 and can ensure your pallet racking is up to standard. If it’s not, we can help you correct it. If you’re buying new pallet racking from us, you’ll know it’s up to Standard.
What Are The Exceptions To AS4084:23?
Although most pallet racking needs to adhere to AS4084:23, there are some instances where it doesn’t.
Broadly speaking, all newly installed pallet racking must adhere to AS4084:23. This also means that if existing pallet racking is modified or moved, it needs to be up to AS4084:23. On the other hand, existing pallet racking that’s already installed is not expected to meet AS:4083:23 criteria, but it still needs to adhere to AS4084:12.
An example of when racking may need to change from AS4084:12 to AS4084:23 is if you’re moving warehouses, including moving the pallet racking to a the new location. The pallet racking at the old location may have only had adhere to AS4084:12, but when it’s moved to the new warehouse, it will have to be up to AS4084:23 standards.
If you’re unsure where your warehouse stands, get in touch with us for some advice.